Stick To Your Gym Resolutions
The year goes by fast, doesn’t it? At this point, some of us are kicking butt at our New Year’s resolutions to get in shape, but others have given up entirely.
Chances are, you may be at that do-or-die point, where you’re wondering if you should keep trying or quit your Dundrum gym membership altogether. Predictably, the answer is: Keep Going! But keep going by taking the right approach.
There are several keys to sticking with your New Year’s resolution to get in shape at a Dundrum gym. One of those elements is goal-setting. Simply saying, “I want to lose weight in 2012,” sets you up for failure — especially if you are not weighing yourself every week. To say, “I want to get in better shape in 2012,” means nothing unless you are measuring the metrics that will reveal your progress.
Psychologically, progressing and moving toward the achievement of a specific goal will fuel your motivation and firm resolve, which is why experts say that goals are essential to your success.
Another key factor is finding a workout buddy to sign up at a Dundrum gym with you. Studies show that people who work out with a partner are more likely to stick with the programme and actually lose more weight too.
If you can’t find someone to go with you, then consider using a personal trainer who will make specific appointments with you, not to mention hold you accountable for regularly showing up and working toward those oh-so-important goals we’ve just mentioned. Even walking around the block with a pet has helped people lose up to 14 pounds a year, according to University of Missouri-Columbia researchers.
Often people have trouble sticking with their resolutions because they haven’t been adventurous enough to find that one thing they love to do. Sometimes it takes one cycling class or one kickboxing session at a Dundrum gym to awaken a deep enjoyment for physical activity. Many newcomers turn into “gym rats” after trying a fitness boot camp because they see great results, make lots of friends and have fun running through the obstacle course and trying new things.
Yoga and spin are two other types of exercise class that appeals to people who may have thought they didn’t like to work-out at all.