Yvonne Mountain Climber

January is the hottest month to sign up for a Blackrock gym membership. There is something about the crisp, cold New Year that makes every local resident yearn for a clean slate on failed ambitions from the year before.

“This year it’ll be different,” we tell ourselves. “This year, I’ll get in shape and look my best!” we say. Yet, for some odd reason, by the time May rolls around, we find we never really go to our Blackrock gym and it seems like a waste of money. Yet, there are many reasons to keep your fitness club membership and hang

1.     You’re new and you just need the right tips to get into a proper routine.  

New gym members may feel like they’re flailing around in the dark and, therefore, just stop going if they are feeling quite awkward. Instead, new members should inquire about having a gym staff member show them around and offer pointers on how to use the equipment. More often than not, gyms will do this for free – if you ask.

2DVDs honestly aren’t much better, even if they are more convenient.

Some people give up their gym memberships, thinking they’ll just do Tae-Bo, P90x or some other DVD programme. Yet, they soon find that it’s no easier to stick with a routine in their living rooms than it is to stop at the gym on the way home from work. It’s even easier to wimp out at home – where no one is watching.

3. Classes can be really fun if you give them a chance and stop being such a bore.

You don’t like change. You don’t like trying things that may make you look silly. But honestly, classes can be so much fun. Zumba, kickboxing and yoga are great for beginners. Once you are a little more fit, you may find spinning/cycling and power-lifting to be uplifting experiences that have you sweating and burning tons of calories.

4. Workout buddies are friendly and inspiring.

These days, people want to find a Blackrock gym that feels more like a social club. Meetings outside the gym include cocktail hours, dinners, nutrition seminar field trips, or local 5-K races. You’ll find that getting to know the people in your group classes helps you stick with your routine – and even makes you look forward to the next workout a little bit more!

 5. A Blackrock gym is convenient when you think about it.

Oh, the lies we tell ourselves! “It’s just not convenient to go somewhere. I just don’t have time,” you probably told yourself. Yet, gyms are surprisingly convenient when you think about all the equipment and expertise assembled into one place. Maybe the location you’ve chosen isn’t all that convenient, so it would behoove you to find something closer to home or work rather than give the concept of a Blackrock gym membership altogether.