As a fitness expert and someone who has helped many people to lose weight and get in better shape, I can tell you for a fact that most people who resolve to lose weight are destined to fail.

Sometimes one of the reasons why they fail is because they sabotage themselves, and I’ve written a previous post on the four gym saboteurs.

But another reason why most people fail is that they don’t set realistic weight-loss goals; on the contrary, their weight-loss goals are too vague and unrealistic.

If you want to introduce new behaviours into your life you have to be completely ready. In order to achieve your weight-loss goals you need to be prepared, you need to beak down each section of the journey into small, easy-to-follow steps.

Effective weight-loss goal-setting goes beyond writing your ideal weight on a post-it. It is a process where your everyday actions and behaviours will determine your outcome.

Here I have set out six steps to help you set realistic weight-loss goals, no matter when you want to start.


Step 1: Assess your starting point

Measure your current weight/body fat percentage, circumference measurements and take a before photo from the front, side and back. From here we can chart where we are and where we need to get to.

Step 2: Determine the exact goal weight/body fat percentage you want and attach a deadline to it

An end date is really important as it reduces your chances of procrastinating.

Step 3: Determine what the price is that you are willing to pay

Are you prepared to train four times a week and take a break from alcohol?

If we continue to do what we have always done, we will continue to get what we always have.

If you are not prepared to make changes to your lifestyle you may have to change or modify your goal.

Step 4: What behaviours and actions will give me my outcome?

To chop a large oak tree down would seem overwhelming but if you took five swings with a sharp axe every day it would eventually fall down. What everyday actions will help you achieve your weight-loss goal?

“I will train Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday at 10.30am for 45 minutes. I will consume a protein-based breakfast with healthy fats every morning. I will go to be to recover by 10.30pm every night.”

Step 5: Make a list of intermediate goals with deadlines

Management expert Peter Drucker says that what we measure gets managed and what gets managed improves. Break down your weight-loss goals into weekly targets.

Step 6: Keep a detailed training and food diary

A training and nutrition log is the profit and loss account that will determine your weight-loss success. Record everything – the distance and speed you ran, weights lifted and the duration of your workout as well as every morsel of food and drink that passes your lips.

It is imperative that you focus on the daily actions and the outcome will take care of itself.

Weight loss begins with a goal but you need to be ready to set one – don’t feel pressurised into doing so.